The venue

The Canoe Stadium is the core of the Ivrea Canoa Club. The park, the river and the white-water course are the essence of a venue admired by all of those that choose a relaxant and enthusiastic experience. The white-water course has gone through several re-designs since the foundation of the Club.
After Slovakian and French designers in the early 2000, the current race course is the result of a joint project among the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Engineering Department of Cundall University (UK) and the Whitewater International Park, an American company that in 2015 shaped the course as we know it today.

Course technical details:
Length: 300m | Width: 2m | Drop: 4 m | Water flow during the WorldCup: 10 m3/s Training course: 250 m, warm-up and cool-down area

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