Checking the athletes, making sure they are physically well through postural controls and direct interventions to solve the criticalities, all to allow maximum performance of the Italian canoeists: this is the work that, in teams with athletic trainers and technicians, is performed by the team of osteopaths and physiatrists who reports to Carlo Martinelli Pecco and Fabrizio Portonaro.

Since 2017, when Ivrea became a federal centre, the pool has been following athletes in the World Cup stages, at European and World Championships, as well as during the Olympic Games. It takes care of the management of the athlete from a preventive point of view, with regard to the trauma part of this sport. Canoeists are evaluated at 360 degrees, meaning for the muscular point of view, as well as physically, and especially concerning the joints. If any undercompensation is verified, the pool integrates and compares with coaches and athletic trainers in order to compensate the deficient muscle group.

A work “behind the scenes” of great importance, which does not exclude a great human involvement: «They are strong and talented athletes as well as very good people, Martinelli Pecco and Portonaro underline. It’s a world we love. Canoeing is an intense sport, of fatigue and suffering and when there are competitions we are as excited as if they were our own children». Next emotions from September 12!