Participation fee

The Participation fee will be charged per each athlete and team official for the
access period, 10th – 15th September 2024.

The amount of the Participation fee is 115 € for the Access Period.
The participation fee will include the following services: Athlete’s Village, Official
video service, boat storage, security, internet access, access pass and parking,
Information regarding the accommodation.
Free training period, first aid, flat-water training, Invitation letter for VISA

The partcipation fee must be paid in advance by 05th September 2024 via bank
transfer to make the accreditation process more convenient. Credit or debit cards
will be accepted as well as payment in cash.

logo ivrea canoa clubBANK TRANSFER DETAILS:
Account holder:
Ivrea Canoa Club ASD
Via Dora Baltea, 1/d – 10015 Ivrea (TO)
Bank: Credit Agricole
IBAN: IT35V0623030545000046883789

Please ensure that payment reaches the organising committee in its full amount,
net of all bank fees (in case of Swift payment, SWIFT charge has to be set as OUR).