Ivrea Canoa Club is pleased to invite you to take part in the 2024 ICF Canoe Slalom
World Cup in Ivrea – Canoe Stadium, Italy.
The Club, a historic sport association founded in 1955 on the banks of the Dora Baltea
River, was born thanks to young passionate canoeists. It has had an amazing growth
and is now a well-recognized and large sporting reality for the city, the country and the
canoeing sport around the world.
Thanks to the trust of the Italian Federation and with the endorsement of the
International Canoe Federation, Ivrea Canoa Club has been selected for this event.
The Club, with the cooperation of the city of Ivrea and Regione Piemonte, will help
create a pleasant and joyful stay to all of you during the period of the competition.
The host organizing committee with the relentless support of volunteers, club members
and all stakeholders are our foundation to deliver a great sport event within the natural
and beautiful frame of the Serra Morenica.
We are therefore eager to begin and we extend our warmest welcome to everyone.

Mario Di Stazio, president of Ivrea Canoa Club